VAT & Import Taxation
VAT & Import Taxation

If you are buying from outside of New Zealand, we do not include any VAT or Custom charges in the price.
Due to each country or area (EU) having different Custom or VAT laws (which change regularly) we do not know the exact fees you may be charged. Our Couriers (e.g. DHL) will contact you for any Custom or VAT charges you may have. They will also include a small handling fee. Please contact us if you would like an estimate for the amount you may be charged. 

It is also advised to check your local Custom or Vat government website to see what you may be charged.

Below is a list of some countries where you may be charged VAT on your packages:
Australia- Expect VAT charges
USA- Each State has different laws. Some have VAT charges, some don't.
EU- Expect VAT charges. Courier will contact after shipping.
UK- Expect VAT charges. Courier will contact after shipping.
Canada- Expect VAT or Custom charges.

Magnoli Props does have stores on eBay and Amazon. Those platforms do collect the required VAT tax at sale.
If you prefer to know the full price you will pay it may be better to purchase from those platforms. (The price is higher due to those platforms fees).

Note: If your order amount is over 150 euros, EU countries also charge Duty taxes on top of the VAT taxes. The Duty Taxes amount is not included in the Amazon and ebay sale price. The courier will contact you to pay this at delivery. If you reside in the EU we recommend ordering through our Website if the sale price is over 150 euros. 

If you have any questions please contact us at